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  • Top 10 FREE Affirmations for raising grateful children

    Top 10 FREE Affirmations for raising grateful children

     “Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy, so they know the value of things, not the price.”

    Top 10 FREE Affirmations for raising grateful children

    Download your printable version here.

    Ages recommended 5 – 12 years

    1. I am privileged
    2. I appreciate my family and carers around me
    3. I am kind to everyone I see each day
    4. I take responsibility for my actions and how I respond
    5. I am grateful for the food I eat and the water I drink
    6. I am thankful for a new day
    7. I am happy with every choice I make
    8. I am proud of myself and everything I do
    9. I give everything a go, and will take on any challenge
    10. I treat everyone as how I would like to be treated


    Let’s become more grateful, connected, mindful and positive. And raise the children of today, to be great positive leaders for tomorrow.

    See the benefits for your children using our Children’s Positive Affirmation Cards.

    Our Children Affirmation Cards can not only transform your child’s life, behaviour and mindfulness, however will also transform you, your home, your energy and your relationship with your child!

    Purchase your deck today here.