Grief is so personal; everyone journeys and experiences it so differently.
Like water, unpredictable, so delicate and yet at the same time, so powerfully destructive.
Grieving can feel like you don’t want to live.
It can manifest physically with pain in the body, inability to get out of bed, eat, or to walk.
It can feel like you are out of your body, like you just aren’t ‘here’, on autopilot. fleeing from the traumatic processing, the shock, the denial, and unacceptance of death.
Nothing matters, not one thing.
The emptiness you may be feeling right now, is love looking for somewhere to go
The last thing you may want to do or even think of, is practising affirmations, and that is ok, you don’t have to, and maybe you aren’t ready to.
There is power in your healing and grieving, our pain, our suffering, our darkest days, thoughts and experiences can be alchemised into light, peace and love.