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    The Throat Chakra | Activating, Opening, Balancing, Healing, Noticing an Imbalance 

    throat chakra


    Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (meaning purification)

    Area of the body: Throat central location of the neck

    Specific body parts associated to the throat chakra

    Throat, Thyroid, Teeth, Mouth, Jaw, Neck, Shoulders

    Colour: Beautiful light bright blue

    Symbol Sixteen-petalled lotus with a downward facing triangle inside a circle

    Element: Ether (Sky/Space)

    Mantra: HAM

    Purpose: Communication & expression

    Nerve Plexus: Pharyngeal plexus

    Endocrine Gland: Thymus

    Birthright: To be heard, to speak, to feel understood

    Focus: Expression, embodiment, truth, listening, clear communication

    How this shows up: 

    Fear of speaking generally or in their truth, complete inversion, or excessive speaking, shy, weak voice, ruling voice, interrupting conversations, unable to listen, body language is ‘off’, excessive throat clearing when about to speak, gossiping, oversharing.


    Shadow Element: Lies

    Solution: Massage the neck, shoulders, moving the energy, with singing, chanting, toning, humming, journalling, healing, belief system reprogramming, exploring inside of yourself

    Associated Crystals: Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Sodalite

    The throat chakra is your energy centre controlling communication and expression, A throat chakra inbalance brings harmony to showing up with clarity and confidence with how one communicates speaking with honesty, integrity, authenticity, and truth.

    Acknowledging that when your throat chakra is in balance and open is when you communicate clearly, you are calm with how you communicate, you are honest, you are direct, firm but soft with conveying, you are expressive, you are a good listener, you are creative, and of course speak with clarity and confidence.

    Noticing an imbalanced throat chakra in oneself, can look like an overactive throat chakra or an underactive throat chakra, both are considered out of balance.

    An underactive throat chakra is where you may have trouble expressing yourself, you become inverted and withdrawn. An overactive throat chakra, may look like talking over the top of others, interrupting, gossiping, or having shallow small talk rather than deep, meaningful rich conversations.

    You may also notice other imbalanced throat chakra signs like;

    • Shy
    • Unable to listen
    • Speaks out of turn
    • Loud and abrupt
    • Mumbles
    • Dishonest
    • Indecisive
    • Rambles
    • Irregular body language

    Physical signs can also show up due to having an imbalanced throat chakra for an elongated period of time. Physical symptoms can looks like

    • Under or overactive thyroid
    • Jaw pain/correlated to the yoni as well
    • Neck
    • Shallow breathing
    • Hearing issues
    • Sore throat
    • Teeth and gum issues

    Activating and healing your throat chakra can be a journey, it can take a moment, a decade, or a lifetime, knowing that healing isn’t linear, and things come up full circle like the spiral, something that we once though we looked at, thought we healed comes back for another journey to go deeper into.

    • Belief system, having no blocks in your belief system before doing any kind of this work is important.
    • Sing, chant, hum
    • Go for a walk in nature, with no head phones and just listen
    • Draw, paint or sketch using only the colour blue, all shades of blue are welcome
    • Communicate and be aware of your communication, without judgement.
    • Meditation
    • Anoint yourself with self love ritual oils, balms and bath soaks
    • Journal
    • Throat chakra affirmations

    Create your own associated affirmations or use the below;

    • I speak with clarity and confidence
    • I am a good listener
    • It is safe for me to express myself, and speak my truth
    • My voice matters
    • I find ways to create, express and communicate
    • I am getting better each and every day with communicating
    • I am honest
    • I express myself calming, clearly and openly
    • I feel peace with silence
    • I share as much as I feel is good for me in each interaction
  • Cycling with the moon | Menustration Moon cycling | Sacred Cycle | cycle Syncing

    Cycling with the moon | Menustration Moon cycling | Sacred Cycle | cycle Syncing

    The moon and your cycle


    Bleeding with the moon is sacred.

    As the moon journeys its 28 day cycle, so do you, experiencing oscillations in hormones and energy every single day.

    We become a different woman each day, each moment as we cycle.

    You are profound medicine, experiencing death and rebirth every single month with the tides of the moon.


    Traditionally women would sync their cycle to bleed with the new moon.

    The darkest phase of the moon, symbolizing a time for introspection, reflection, setting intentions and planting new seeds, due to your heightened awareness, senses, intuition and psychic abilities.

    Our physical bodies during this time are doing the same as we bleed, it is shedding, releasing, and replenishing to prepare for a new cycle.


    To connect to your cycle, and transition into a more 'sacred cycle' below are some tips;


    1. Your cycle is sacred, whether you are conscious of it being sacred or not, disconnect from the part of yourself that associates to your cycle not being sacred 


    2. Call in some ritual practises and be more present in your day to day ways of being and doing 

    View sacred practises here: https://lovefromme.com.au/blogs/blog/how-to-connect-your-cycle-your-femininity-your-womb-your-yoni-yourself-deeply


    3. Look into getting support for healing, womb work, body work and energy work. 

    Heidi offers these locally in Brisbane, bayside in Manly West and The Sunshine Coast 


    4. Meditate, contemplate, get quiet with you and your womb, and yoni 


    5. Track your cycle, through paper form or via an app, keep a journal and daily over that cycle add 3 points of how you are feeling that day, you may start to see a pattern when you look back and reflect each cycle 


    6. Exercise, and move your body for each phase of your cycle 


    7. Eat and nourish your body for each phase of your cycle 


    8. Drink herbs and botanicals that support the phase of your cycle that you are in 



  • How to connect your cycle, your femininity, your womb, your yoni….. yourself deeply

    How to connect your cycle, your femininity, your womb, your yoni….. yourself deeply

    Honouring yourself and your sacred cycle. In the West, it seems women, have lost touch with themselves... I treat and meet women everyday that have imbalances like; 

    • Low levels of feelings and sensation in the body
    • Lost connection to self – Heart and Womb
    • Energetic blockages
    • Pelvic pain
    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Post-natal nurturing
    • Pregnancy loss, Miscarriage, or termination
    • Disconnected from pleasure, sexuality, sensuality, joy, low libido
    • Pelvic infections / pain
    • Sexual, emotional trauma or abuse 
    • Digestive issues
    • Anxiety, depression and stress
    • Fertility issues
    • Perimenopause / menopause
    • Menstrual imbalances manifesting as PMS, Pain or irregular bleeding
    • Endometriosis
    • Inflammation
    • Lower back pain
    • IBS

    These are considered 'normal', but I am here to tell you that they are NOT, this is your physical body screaming for you to listen.... and not in a way of booking a doctors appointment and getting another pill, another scan, another surgery, seeing the next specialist after the next, or told its all in your head and there is nothing we can do.

    There are UN-invasive, nurturing, ancient rituals that have been practised for thousands on years in the East, and most are ancient women's medicine. 

    Yoni Steaming

    This can be done at different stages throughout your cycle

    I love to steam a few days before I bleed, and the day that my bleed is ending

    A beautiful ancient practise to prepare for your bodies releasing of blood. Helping to release emotions, stagnant energy, balance hormones, ease tension or contraction, heal yeast infections, easing of cramping and discomfort. Steaming the last day of your cycle or the day after promotes to release old blood.

    Purchase our sacred organic yoni steam blends here: https://lovefromme.com.au/collections/journals/yoni-steam-blends?

    Womb Massage

    A nurturing practise that you can do yourself using our beautiful womb balms or oils or anything that you are called to use.

    Practising this before your cycle, during and a few times a week is really soothing and healing, will also elevate pain, discomfort, bloating and will help release old blood.

    Purchase our womb balm or womb oil here: 


    Yoni self massage

    Using our Yoni nectar oil massage your thighs, and labia – a deeply nurturing practise, this oil promotes hydration, balances Ph and smells divine.

    Purchase our yoni oil here: https://lovefromme.com.au/collections/balms/products/organic-yoni-and-womb-nectar-yoni-oil-healing-womb-awakening-womb-opening-feminine-love-heart-opening-divine-sensual-sweet-intimate


    Castor oil packs

    A weekly castor oil pack and 2 throughout your cycle, wrapping a warm compress in castor oil and with a slight amount of weight compressed on your womb space

    Castor oil packs promote circulation, softens endo and fibroids, eases menstrual cramping


    Journal your visions and dreams

    You are tapped into a powerful time and energy during your cycle…..

    Write down what you want to release and burn it

    On the next day, set intentions and visions for the new cycle beginning


    Offering your bleed to the earth or a body of water

    With prayer, intention, love and healing



    Depending on what you are intending on releasing and what you are calling in for, make up affirmations based on your intentions, visions, dreams and what you are wanting to release


    Bathe in salts, flowers, and oils

    Serenade your body in our body oils, bath soaks and salts – salt is cleansing and remineralising and healing. Our blends are hydrating, and a beautiful self love tool.

    Purchase our ritual soaks here: https://lovefromme.com.au/collections/all/bath-soaks-salts?

    Most powerfully practised in ritual
  • Being in flow with the moon and her cycles

    Being in flow with the moon and her cycles


    Tuning into the flows of your cycle and the moon’s cycle is a way to naturally flow with the seasons of you, the ebbs and flows of life…….. and the moon herself.

    We are divine mirrors of the moon, a microcosm of the macrocosim…

    As above, so below.

    So within, so without.

    Innerstanding and living in alignment with the moon’s energy and phases, we sync our selves deeper into our own energy, cycles, and our own phases. Feeling intuitively in to ourself, harnessing our power, paying attention and feeling more peace.


    Retreat & rest, cleanse, releasing, new intentions & affirmations, self-care, self-love, awareness & intuition heightened

    Traditionally where one would sync their cycle to…. And its no surprise. The moon when new, is also called dark moon, she is at her darkest phase.

    The new moon energy is new beginnings, releasing the old, and when our bleed is present, this is exactly what our physical body is doing.

    Support your being, body and soul during this phase with rest, reflections, and setting new intentions



    Planting seeds, planning, creating, healing

    Right after the new moon, she appears as a waxing crescent. This energy is about planting new seeds, Planting seeds, planning, creating, healing

    First Quarter

    Doing the ‘work’, taking action, attracting

    She is now half bright, and half dark.

    This energy is about taking action on your intentions from the new moon.

    Doing the ‘work’, taking action, attracting

    Waxing Gibbous

    Energy of determination, renewal, reflecting, gathering strength

    Almost at her peak, but not quite. This energy is determination, renewal, reflection, assessing any situations, relations….. Reciting affirmations at this time is powerful.

    Waxing Gibbous


    Fun and play, heightened psychic abilities and awareness, manifestations, fruiting of your labour, rewards, celebration, power

    At her peak, her fullest. Illuminating what isn’t serving, what needs to be let of, but also…. Fun and play, heightened psychic abilities and awareness, manifestations, fruiting of your labour, rewards, celebration, power


    WANING Gibbous

    Surrender, letting go of negativity anything that isn’t serving, finishing creative pursuits

    Right after the Full moon, she begins to dim her light. This energy is a surrender, letting go of negativity anything that isn’t serving, finishing creative pursuits

    WANING Gibbous

    Last Quarter

    Detox, release, calming, balance, energy cleansing, spiritual protection

    Think of this energy as a spring cleaning. Cord cutting, Habits that aren’t serving your highest potential, Detox, release, calming, balance, energy cleansing, spiritual protection

    Last Quarter

    WANING Crescent

    An energy of giving thanks and gratitude, closure, contemplation, deep listening, energetic armour, auric protection

    WANING Crescent