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Services + Offerings
Intuitive Hawaiian KaHuna Massage Bliss Journey
Womb Hara Massage
Deep Face Massage | Facial Massage | Holistic Facelift
Intuitive Energy & Sound Journeys
Awaken & Healing Journey
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Bath Soaks & Salts
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August 06, 2020
How Positive Affirmations Will Help You Achieve a Healthy, Happy, Fulfilling Life...
By Rosie Hamilton
At Love From Me Co we recognise that the quality of your overall life is determined by how you FEEL. The way you feel determines the tone and vibe of your emotional life. Feelings trigger emotions of happiness or unhappiness in your experiences.
SO one of your most important goals and routine in life should be to use positive affirmations or any other technique use to keep your mind off what is negative, what you fear and what you DON’T want to attract into your life.
That’s why we created Love From Me Co – new age, positive and relatable affirmations!
So where do you start?
At Love From Me Co we advise everyone to start small.
So start by saying a sentence or two that resonates with you.
For example, I love my body. I am confident. I love my body. I am confident. I love my body. I am confident.
Or mantras like “I can do it, I can do it, I can do it” keep saying these mantra until the FEAR/DOUBT about the situation/experience leaves your mind.
Once you start to REPEAT it over and over or do things like write it, speak it to yourself, record yourself saying it…. It in turn almost becomes like a song and a mantra that you will catch yourself saying in your head throughout the day, you may even say it in times like a chant to yourself walking into a job interview, a date, a meeting, anytime where you feel you want to love your body or feel more confident. The more you affirm these words to yourself, the more you will notice it actually becomes your reality.
When you practise affirmations daily it assists in being able to keep your mind calm, clear and under control in times of stress, conflict, and uncertainty.
The research that we have conducted at Love From Me suggest that if you practise affirmations regularly you are able to become more in control of your emotions and in times of conflict and stress able to act in a mature, calm matter. Which in turn creates a more positive experience for yourself and everyone involved.
We made our decks at Love From Me Co to be relatable, we made each and every affirmation easy to connect with and believe. They are new age, real and down to earth!
Purchase here today and receive a discount and your FREE beginners guide to affirmations t
o get you started on a healthy, happy, fulfilling emotional life.
How Positive Affirmations Will Help You Achieve a Healthy, Happy, Fulfilling Life...