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  • Affirmations in the classroom - The Modern, Mindful, Teacher..

    Affirmations in the classroom - The Modern, Mindful, Teacher..

    What are the good points of using our beautiful affirmation decks in your classroom? If you stumbled on this blog post, you must have searched for the impact of positive thinking on student performance.  

    As a teacher, you aren’t sure if the benefits of using positive affirmations in the classroom are worth your time. Let’s face it, you have a lot of materials lying around to cover in a 6 or 7 hour shift.  Are the benefits of using “Affirmations” enough to take away some of your precious (and limited) time?  To help you make an informed decision, here are some research findings about the effects of positive affirmations.

    Potential Benefits of Using Positive Affirmations in the Classroom:

    1. Studies reveals to us that thoughts have a direct impact on emotions and feelings.  Those emotions trigger a corresponding release of chemicals in our brain.  Using positive affirmations may allow students to harness and manipulate the release of chemicals that will serve them in constructive ways.
    2. By drawing into their own thoughts, students become more self-aware.  Not only does this eliminate negative thoughts, it also helps students to be more reflective and analytical of their own self-talk.
    3. Practicing a daily program or habit of self-affirmations, an exercise where someone writes and says about the things that they value, can increase feelings of self-worth and importance.
    4. Problem-solving and logical thinking increase as a result of habitual positive self-affirmations.  Carnegie Mellon University’s David Creswell conducted research that found “people who are under pressure can boost their problem-solving abilities by using positive affirmations.”  Thus, the negative effects of stress on problem solving can be minimized.  
    5. Affirmation exercises have the potential to eliminate gaps among students of different cultures. Research led by Jeffrey Cohen at Stanford University indicates that “the stress and uncertain sense of belonging that can stem from being a member of a negatively stereotyped group or minority contributes substantially to poor academic performance”.  
    6. Positive affirmations will help a classroom environment to enable students to foster on good relations, self-reflection, trust, kindness and kinship towards them.


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