1:1 Offerings in Manly, QLD 1:1 Offerings in Manly, QLD
  • Affirmations are Scientifically proven to have benefits!

    Affirmations are Scientifically proven to have benefits!

    Let's just start by saying, the list is endless on how Affirmation Cards can benefit your children. 

    Look back to your childhood, if you had a practise involving positive self talk through affirmations - would you be more calm, happy, positive or mindful today? 

    “Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.” ― Tia Walker

    Evidenced Based Benefits of Affirmation Cards and having a practise everyday; 

    • Affirmations have been proven to lower stress  (Koole et al., 1999; Weisenfeld et al., 2001).
    • Affirmations have been linked to positively improve academic success  (Layous et al., 2017)
    • Affirmations have demonstrated to decrease health deteriorating stress  (Sherman et al., 2009; Critcher & Dunning, 2015)
    • Affirmations have shown to increase the consumption of healthier foods including fruits and vegetables (Epton & Harris, 2008)
    • Affirmations help us to take judgement, critical feedback, or threatening messages with less resistance (Logel & Cohen, 2012)

    Affirmations have been scientifically proven to help, increase health on various levels, and to help on people's outlook on life, and increase optimism. 

    Introducing affirmations Cards to children is important, the earlier the better, the earlier the better the effect and the more your child believes the more success and powerful affirmations will become! 


    Let’s become more grateful, connected, mindful and positive. And raise the children of today, to be great positive leaders for tomorrow.

    See the benefits for your children using our Children’s Positive Affirmation Cards.

    Our Children Affirmation Cards can not only transform your child’s life, behaviour and mindfulness, however will also transform you, your home, your energy and your relationship with your child!

    Purchase your deck today here.